[Ntop] Question regarding aptitude package repository speed
Chris A. Evans
2017-11-20 19:06:04 UTC
What is the typical/expected download speed from

It seems to be averaging around 10 kB/s as of late, which makes the
upgrade times for nBox pretty crazy. It also seems to just timeout
fairly often, stopping the upgrades altogether.

This is across multiple systems, and I haven't seen this issue happen
with packages from other mirrors. I'm just trying to better understand
the expectation for the ntop suite of software.
Thank you,
Chris A. Evans
Chris A. Evans
2017-11-22 15:04:18 UTC
Hi Luca,

See the MTR output below. Latency jumps pretty dramatically between hops
#10 & #11, which both appear to be DTAG IPs. Hop #9 is Zayo at LAX, so
#10 to #11 is probably the cross-continental spike within DTAG's network.

***@localhost:~# mtr -c100 -r packages.ntop.org
Start: Wed Nov 22 08:51:58 2017
HOST: localhost                 Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
  1.|--                   0.0%   100    8.5   4.5   0.1 50.6   7.8
  2.|-- ve86.mlx.nco.btcbroadband  0.0%   100   10.4   4.8   0.3 34.6   6.8
  3.|-- ve40.mlx.nco.btcbroadband  0.0%   100    0.6   4.3   0.6 38.3   6.0
  4.|-- ve86.mlx.sco.btcbroadband  0.0%   100    0.5   3.9   0.5 15.1   4.0
  5.|-- xe-1-1-4.er4.dfw2.us.zip.  0.0%   100    6.6   7.2   6.2 21.0   2.2
  6.|-- ae12.cr1.dfw2.us.zip.zayo  1.0%   100    6.8   7.0   6.7 16.0   1.0
  7.|-- ae27.cs1.dfw2.us.eth.zayo  0.0%   100   33.1  35.9  33.0 99.2   7.5
  8.|-- ae3.cs1.lax112.us.eth.zay  0.0%   100   33.1  39.1  33.1 167.7 
  9.|-- ae13.mpr1.lax12.us.zip.za  0.0%   100   33.0  34.7  33.0 96.8   7.0
 10.|--             0.0%   100   53.3  53.4  52.9 76.5   2.4
 11.|-- mil-sb2-i.mil.it.net.dtag  0.0%   100  175.2 176.9 174.3
197.3   2.8
 12.|-- mil-sb2-i.mil.it.net.dtag  0.0%   100  175.3 176.0 173.7
191.2   2.5
 13.|--             0.0%   100  181.5 181.8 181.5
200.0   1.9
 14.|-- dns.ntop.org               0.0%   100  180.9 183.8 180.8
225.9   8.4

I just grabbed a one of the .deb files directly with wget. The average
is the same was via aptitude.

Thank you,
Chris A. Evans
Systems Administrator
BTC Broadband
Hi Chris
I have made some checks and the Internet speed from various locations I
have access to, it is ~100 Mbit that is the nominal speed of the
Internet connection we have.
So I think the problem is due to inefficient routing. Can you please do
a traceroute towards packages.ntop.org and a new download, then report.
Thank you Luca
Post by Chris A. Evans
What is the typical/expected download speed from
It seems to be averaging around 10 kB/s as of late, which makes the
upgrade times for nBox pretty crazy. It also seems to just timeout
fairly often, stopping the upgrades altogether.
This is across multiple systems, and I haven't seen this issue happen
with packages from other mirrors. I'm just trying to better understand
the expectation for the ntop suite of software.
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