Hi Luca,
See the MTR output below. Latency jumps pretty dramatically between hops
#10 & #11, which both appear to be DTAG IPs. Hop #9 is Zayo at LAX, so
#10 to #11 is probably the cross-continental spike within DTAG's network.
***@localhost:~# mtr -c100 -r packages.ntop.org
Start: Wed Nov 22 08:51:58 2017
HOST: localhost Loss% Snt Last Avg Best Wrst StDev
1.|-- 0.0% 100 8.5 4.5 0.1 50.6 7.8
2.|-- ve86.mlx.nco.btcbroadband 0.0% 100 10.4 4.8 0.3 34.6 6.8
3.|-- ve40.mlx.nco.btcbroadband 0.0% 100 0.6 4.3 0.6 38.3 6.0
4.|-- ve86.mlx.sco.btcbroadband 0.0% 100 0.5 3.9 0.5 15.1 4.0
5.|-- xe-1-1-4.er4.dfw2.us.zip. 0.0% 100 6.6 7.2 6.2 21.0 2.2
6.|-- ae12.cr1.dfw2.us.zip.zayo 1.0% 100 6.8 7.0 6.7 16.0 1.0
7.|-- ae27.cs1.dfw2.us.eth.zayo 0.0% 100 33.1 35.9 33.0 99.2 7.5
8.|-- ae3.cs1.lax112.us.eth.zay 0.0% 100 33.1 39.1 33.1 167.7
9.|-- ae13.mpr1.lax12.us.zip.za 0.0% 100 33.0 34.7 33.0 96.8 7.0
10.|-- 0.0% 100 53.3 53.4 52.9 76.5 2.4
11.|-- mil-sb2-i.mil.it.net.dtag 0.0% 100 175.2 176.9 174.3
197.3 2.8
12.|-- mil-sb2-i.mil.it.net.dtag 0.0% 100 175.3 176.0 173.7
191.2 2.5
13.|-- 0.0% 100 181.5 181.8 181.5
200.0 1.9
14.|-- dns.ntop.org 0.0% 100 180.9 183.8 180.8
225.9 8.4
I just grabbed a one of the .deb files directly with wget. The average
is the same was via aptitude.
Thank you,
Chris A. Evans
Systems Administrator
BTC Broadband
Hi Chris
I have made some checks and the Internet speed from various locations I
have access to, it is ~100 Mbit that is the nominal speed of the
Internet connection we have.
So I think the problem is due to inefficient routing. Can you please do
a traceroute towards packages.ntop.org and a new download, then report.
Thank you Luca
Post by Chris A. EvansWhat is the typical/expected download speed from
It seems to be averaging around 10 kB/s as of late, which makes the
upgrade times for nBox pretty crazy. It also seems to just timeout
fairly often, stopping the upgrades altogether.
This is across multiple systems, and I haven't seen this issue happen
with packages from other mirrors. I'm just trying to better understand
the expectation for the ntop suite of software.
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