Thanks for the response.
Regarding performance question #3.
protocol type (some dissectors use more cpu than others), etc. What I can
10G full rate.
L2 forwarding) and did not see any flows detected (using PF_RING FT APIs).
Post by Harish PatilThanks Alfredo.
Replies below.
Post by Harish PatilThanks Alfredo/Emanuele.
# ERROR: You do not seem to have a valid PF_RING FT license
# ERROR: Please get one at
# We're now working in demo mode with packet capture and
# transmission limited to 5 minutes
Is there a need to buy a licensed version? Is this newly introduced in
the later releases?
Yes, PF_RING FT, included in latest stable, requires a license.
So at least for now if we stick to the older version then we don't need a
license, right?
1. PF_RING does not require a license, if you enable PF_RING FT, which is
an extension, that requires a license,
2. PF_RING FT was not present in older versions of PF_RING,
3. you can use PF_RING FT without PF_RING for packet capture
Post by Harish Patil1) Does pfring_ft_process() makes a copy of the packet using the pointer
passed to it? If so, does it copy only the header or entire packet
including payload?
No packet copy at all.
In that case, I can only store packet headers in my local DPDK mempools,
right? The idea is to minimize mempool sizes.
Post by Harish Patil2) Is it safe for me to release/free the buffers after calling
So it means pfring_ft_process() is synchronous, but where as the
callbacks can be asynchronous.
Ex: pfring_ft_set_flow_export_callback(ft, processFlow, NULL);
The processFlow() callback is asynchronous, will it be scheduled on the
same core?
Callbacks are called inline by the main packet processing thread, both
while processing packets
(with process_packet as in the example at
or when idle (see pfring_ft_housekeeping in
ft/ftflow.c#L255 ).
3) Do you have performance numbers doing inline DPI for 1G or 10G links?
Post by Harish PatilYou should be able to do 10Gbit line-rate, however this also depends on
your hw. Please note you can use multiple threads (with RSS or ZC software
distribution) if 1 core is not enough.
4) Does PF_RING FT/nDPI maintain state information to detect a flow OR
does it just uses the packet passed to parse L7 info?
It keeps some state, as 1 packet is often not enough.
Can you please provide any pointers on that?
This is done internally by FT, it is not visible through the API, you
just get teh L7 protocol as soon as it is detected.
Another question: Do you know if there is any issues using pf_ring ft lib
as a dynamic module in DPDK secondary process?
I do not see issues, but I am not 100% sure I got what you mean with "as
a dynamic module in DPDK secondary processâ.
Post by Harish PatilRegards
Hi Harish
we are currently using those libs to compile our applications on many
including Ubuntu 14/16/18, Centos 6/7, Debian 7/8/9, please let us know
if you
experience issues with the compilation, and we will find a way to
handle that.
Hi Alfredo,
Thanks for the response.
We are planning to use PF_RING FT in our projects.
We only have shared libs. How can we integrate and make sure it works
in all cases (platforms/GCC)?
If we had the sources we could compile along with sources and would be
much better.
Hi Harish
no plan atm, however we tried to create a flexible framework, meaning
that people should be able to extend it using the API we created.
Please let us know if something is missing for your use case.
Thank you
Hi Emanuele,
Thanks for the response.
I didn't know that it was not open sourced and didn't expect it either
given that other modules are open sourced.
Are there any plans of open sourcing them?
Sorry but PF_RING FT is not open source.
I am new to ntop/ndpi.
pfring_ft_create_table() or pfring_ft_process() etc which uses ndpi lib.
I only see the function defines in userland/lib/pfring_ft.h but not
the implementation.
Could you pls provide some pointers?
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