[Ntop] "Minute Interface Top Traffic Statistics" says "No data"
Peter Shute
2018-02-11 20:59:45 UTC
When I hover over any chart in ntopng, it displays the " Minute Interface Top Traffic Statistics", but says "No data". I don't think it used to do this. Have I changed some setting to cause this?

Peter Shute
Peter Shute
2018-02-11 22:20:50 UTC
I upgraded from 3.3.171218 to v.3.3.180211, and that fixed it.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, 12 February 2018 8:00 AM
Subject: [Ntop] "Minute Interface Top Traffic Statistics" says "No data"
When I hover over any chart in ntopng, it displays the " Minute Interface Top
Traffic Statistics", but says "No data". I don't think it used to do this. Have I
changed some setting to cause this?
Peter Shute
Ntop mailing list
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