John Klimek
2017-06-24 19:30:56 UTC
I'm new to SNMP, but I've just setup a Raspberry Pi (Raspbian/Debian
Jessie) and ntopng v3.0.
I've then added an SNMP device for my Ubiquity EdgeSwitch and EdgeRouter.
It shows the Description, Object ID, and Name correctly but nothing else.
The uptime shows 0 and the interface list (under the first table of
information) is completely empty.
Could I be doing something wrong?
I've using the default 'public' and 'private' community names and I even
tried to create a new community on my devices but I'm new to SNMP.
Jessie) and ntopng v3.0.
I've then added an SNMP device for my Ubiquity EdgeSwitch and EdgeRouter.
It shows the Description, Object ID, and Name correctly but nothing else.
The uptime shows 0 and the interface list (under the first table of
information) is completely empty.
Could I be doing something wrong?
I've using the default 'public' and 'private' community names and I even
tried to create a new community on my devices but I'm new to SNMP.