[Ntop] WARNING: Unknown alert source for entity
Matthias Henze
2017-06-09 06:50:19 UTC

my NtopNG constantly logs:

WARNING: Unknown alert source for entity IP_ADDRESS

How to fix this?

MHC SoftWare GmbH
Fichtera 17
96274 Itzgrund/Germany

voice: +49-(0)9533-92006-0
fax: +49-(0)9533-92006-6
e-mail: ***@mhcsoftware.de

HR Coburg: B2242
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Matthias Henze
Matthias Henze
2017-06-09 09:19:00 UTC
Hi Simone,
Please send extra information. How do you start ntopng?
Nothing special, as a Debian Linux service at boot time or if I start it
manually: service start ntopng
Can you post the
full log?
This will make IMHO no sense as there are no other messages but the
startup messages and this warning and it gets constantly repeated. I
don't know in what frequency because there is no time stamp on these
messages. All other messages do have time stamps ...

MHC SoftWare GmbH
Fichtera 17
96274 Itzgrund/Germany

voice: +49-(0)9533-92006-0
fax: +49-(0)9533-92006-6
e-mail: ***@mhcsoftware.de

HR Coburg: B2242
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Matthias Henze
Matthias Henze
2017-06-09 09:45:37 UTC
I wanted to see the ntopng options used or the configuration file.
cat //etc/ntopng/ntopng.conf

Part of "-m" is the IP address I've omitted from the waning.
MHC SoftWare GmbH
Fichtera 17
96274 Itzgrund/Germany

voice: +49-(0)9533-92006-0
fax: +49-(0)9533-92006-6
e-mail: ***@mhcsoftware.de

HR Coburg: B2242
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Matthias Henze