[Ntop] Data not persisting through service restart or reboot (MySQL setup)
Matt B
2017-12-05 02:33:01 UTC
Hey all,

Between last night and today, I setup nprobe and ntopng with MySQL. My
goal is to be able to look at the busiest hosts over a certain period of
time, where traffic went etc.

It was a real pain getting it going, but it's up, running, and showing me
data. The problem I'm having is that the data doesn't appear to persist
through a service restart.

I've spent hours looking in to this but I appear to have everything correct.

Server is Ubuntu 16.04 with plenty of horsepower.

My ntopng.conf (the defaults are there, just commented out):

-F "mysql;localhost;ntopng;ntopng;ntopng;mysqlpassword"

My nprobe.conf:


By everything I can see, there is not now nor has there been an issue
connecting to MySQL, I can get in via the creds above on command line.

One weird thing that might be the culprit is when I go in to MySQL and I do
a `SELECT * from flowsv4`, I get an obscene amount of gibberish output with
what seems like useful numbers. Is my table corrupt somehow? Any other
ideas you all might have as to why I can't retain data?
